2010, What a “Helluva” Year! What Did You Ship in 2010?

Hiya SCG,

I believe most of you must have already read today’s blog post by Seth Godin & his shipping review in 2010. I have decided to do the same and write down 2010 shipments. So, here they are black on white: [Read more…]

Question Of the Week #51 + Announcement

Hiya SCG,

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas time & you are ready to get back on “shipping” track. This week’s question was suggested by Marek Lutz (thank you Marek!):

“Do you create any personal reviews at the end of the year? Can we somehow meaningfully use this event “end of the year ” as inspiration for future or it is just another date in calendar?[Read more…]

Have a Fascinating XMas 2010

Hello SCG,

have a joyful time with your loved ones and be sure, that you will create fascinating times mainly by your presence not only by presents!😉

Enjoy freshly made for you>>> xmas_card from #IS.


About One 1095 Days Long Transformative Journey

Hiya SCG,

I trust you will spare few minutes to stop yourself  in Christmas presents hunt to read this shipment. It will not be wrap-up of 2010 on #IS, nor list of New Year’s resolutions, nor a Christmas e-card. It will be a story, true story about 3 years long journey of surrendering to the pull of the heart’s calling. Step in!

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Question Of the Week #50

Hello SCG,

50th question was inspired by a post on the Facebook page of my friend Derek Sivers, where he posted this link, where online authorities (including SCG-ers: J.D. Meier, Mars Dorian or Seth Godin) were asked this question:

“What’s the most “unrealistic” thing you have accomplished & what have you learned from the process? “

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Mistakes Are Your Chance to Shine Out Others!


I would like to share with you a story, which will support thought-provoking title above: “Mistakes are your chance to shine out others.”Huh? How come?, you might be asking. Here is a “mistake story”: One week ago, Michael Hyatt kept his word and package with book by Super Cool Gang-er Anne Jackson reached snowy Poprad. Reason, why all of that happened was because I have left comment on Mike’s blog post with a reason why I would like to read Anne’s book. Mike has picked 100 people with the most convincing why. (So after all, Simon Sinek is right, starting with why pays off) So, happy as I was to find package with the Anne’s newest book Permission to speak freely in my room. I was even more astonished today morning.

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NGLS Is Having Its New Home 2.0 – www.ngls.sk

Hiya SCG,

I wanted to share with you a joy of making another shipment reality. Thanks to great support of the coolest company I know in Slovakia – Websupport. #NGLS (Next Generation Leaders of Slovakia) is having its new home – www.ngls.sk. Rest is said there.

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Question Of The Week #49

Hiya SCG,

this is 175th shipment (blog post) on Inspiring Shipments (#IS) and that is why I would like to ask you:

“Which are your top 3 shipments from #IS, which have resonated with you the most (so far)?”

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(Y)our Mediocre Work Affects Whole Country or Why Slovakia Needs to Wake Up Before It Is Too Late

Hiya SCG,

you might have noticed pretty modest amount of my shipping and insights this week. It was caused by very intensive 3 days, which moved me and transformed me again. I will not go into details much, as I am still digesting lessons learned from it and how it has affected me. But briefly, I have turned down assignment and have given up couple of thousands Euro of income for next month, because I could not risk my name and credibility to deliver work, which is not top-notch. (requirement was to do it “just like that”…) [Read more…]

Second Linchpins Meet Up (Only One) in Slovakia

Hello SCG,

yesterday (7 Dec) was the second global Linchpins are everywhere meet up, called up by the Seth Godin. I have (again) raised a meet up flag in Slovakia, ignoring the fact I am the only one in whole country marching on. You might remember video from 1st Linchpin meet up in Slovakia (from June 2010), where I have been very excited from the fact that 7 people showed up on a meet up and I was spreading message: “It always starts with one!” Yesterday, I have decided to spread ideas about what does it mean to be a Linchpin again and my audience consisted of the most indispensable Linchpins, I know. Who were are they?

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