[Video] In Sučany: After “shipping” another gift for Slovakia

Hi Super Cool Gang

greetings from Sučany tiny village in the north of central Slovakia, cca80 minutes drive from my hometown Poprad.

What did I do there?

Sučany is known for its bilingual Slovak – English Secondary School which is famous all over the country. I was invited to speak to students by founder of Sučany Alumni, my dear friend and “hard core” NGLS supporter Tom Jacko.

You can check out stream of pictures, HERE.

What are your thoughts on slide-deck?



P. S. :  I was missing you SCG!


  1. Salams Ivana,
    This was one of the very thought provoking slide. Thats the level one always can expect from you. I guess this presentation is not only for those kids but in general for all of us to get inspiration and make our future now!

    This is a treat for all the SCG-ers 🙂

  2. told you about the slides already: awesome stuff! Well thought through, clear, sincere, inspiring and supercool! 🙂
    nice school btw, relaxing surroundings and impressive mountains around 🙂

  3. Well the scenes are compelling me to visit Slovakia 😀 hehe!

  4. Ivana Sendecka says:

    @Arjan : thank you;-) yeah, it was great surroundings, very good energy vibes out there;-)
    @Zun: you are welcome to visit

  5. Salam

    Ivana thank you so much for sharing such an inspiration.you are very right that CHANGE WILL HAPPEN NOT BY COMPLAINING,BUT BY DOING.FUTURE defining is too good.As always superb work

    • Ivana Sendecka says:

      😉 Salams Sidra,
      I am glad you liked the concept and I have no doubt that you are the future!;-)

  6. 700 cars in 2 years … that’s wow for me!

    It looks like a great presentation and I like the focus on figuring out the traits and characteristics for the road ahead. I especially like your frame that if you focus on the wow, the how takes care of itself.

    • Ivana Sendecka says:

      thank you J.D.
      oh, yes Dubai’s experience with selling cars was unbelievable…no MBA, no working for consutling co. taught me as much as sitting behind that table and truly doing business. we had target of 36 cars each month, in order to get bonus;-)
      but you should keep in mind that to buy a car in Dubai is very easy, affordable and petrol is cheaper than water;-)

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